DISCOVER : Waterparks.
Si vous suivez Good Charlotte ou que vous avez regarder la programmation du Warped Tour vous avez surement entendu parlé de Waterparks. Ce groupe tout droit venu e Houston, Texas, a commencé en 2011 et ont déjà sortis des EPs avant d’être repéré par les frères Madden. C’est en 2015 qu’ils sortent un tout nouveau EP, Cluster, composé de 5 chansons et c’est le 31 aout dernier que nous avons pu découvrir Stupid For You, le premier single annonçant leur tout premier album. Double Dare sera dans les bacs le 6 novembre.
Either if you went to Warped Tour, read the latest issues about pop punk bands or just follow religiously Good Charlotte, you probably have heard about them. Yes, I’m talking about Waterparks, this pop punk band that comes all the way from Texas. Formed in 2011, they released a few songs before being managed by Joel and Benji Madden. In 2015, they released a 5 tracks EP, Cluster and last 31st August, the trio revealed their single Stupid For You that will appear in their debut album called Double Dare. You will be able to hear the latest next November 6th.
Carole x