credits : phoebe fox
Imagine yourself on a bright Saturday of June. You may be hangover from your last night at the festival you are (or wish you were), or maybe simply the feeling of the sun on your toes and arms and blinding your face while you’re drinking your morning coffee which makes you feel alive. And then imagine this sweet sugar-ish, edulcorant and a bit psychedelic indie pop song that makes you alive and even more enjoy the present moment.

Well, I may not be able to give the sun (even tho we’re doing pretty good at the moment) but I can give you the song. It’s called Love Anyone Else and it’s by Sugarhouse, a duo made of Charlie and Connie. They recently released their song under the indie label Sad Club Records and are planning to release more music by the end of the day. In the meantime, you can buy the exclusive cassette tape, or stream it on Spotify while enjoying the weather 🌟

Imagines-toi un samedi ensoleillĂ© de juin. T’as peut-ĂȘtre la gueule de bois due Ă  ta super soirĂ©e en festival auquel t’es ce weekend ou alors t’es peut-ĂȘtre juste chez toi profitant des premiers rayons de soleil de la journĂ©e qui dansent sur te bras ou tes orteils alors que tu sors pour dĂ©guster ton cafĂ© matinal devant un soleil aveuglant. Et maintenant imagine cette chanson d’indie pop, douce mais sucrĂ©e, Ă©dulcorante et un peu psychĂ©dĂ©lique qui te fait profiter encore plus du moment et du beau temps.
Well, je ne suis peut-ĂȘtre pas capable de t’amener le soleil (mĂȘme si en ce moment on n’est pas Ă  se plaindre) mais je peux te donner la chanson. Elle s’appelle Love Anyone Else et est interprĂ©tĂ©e par le duo Sugarhouse, composĂ© de 2 jeunes anglais, Connie et Charlie. Ils ont rĂ©cemment sorti leur chanson sous le label indĂ© Sad Club Records, ainsi qu’une cassette pour accompagner la version digitale de leur album. Et en attendant qu’ils ne sortent plus de musique, vous pouvez toujours l’Ă©couter sur Spotify 🌟

You can support them on facebook and buy their cassette tape here.
They're also opening for FOURS in London at Borderline on the 13th of July, don't miss them and get tickets here.

Elena x

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