Premier Songs of Sunday de la rentrée pour vous mettre dans le bain de ce que sera CrossMusics, je l'espère, cette année : un blog de musique qui continuera de vous partager ses coups de coeur musical mais plus axé sur les femmes qui font de la musique. En effet on a passé ces derniers mois à écouter de plus en plus de groupes soit composé que de femmes soit avec une femme comme chanteuse principale et malgré tout on continue de parler principalement d'artistes masculins. Mais en cette nouvelle période on a décidé de changer et de se recentrer sur ce que l'on veut et aime vraiment : les femmes qui font de la musique. On continuera de parler bien évidemment de groupes composés d'hommes mais je l'espère plus en minorité. On commence dès aujourd'hui avec d'une part l'arrivée d'Alexandra, notre nouvelle éditrice qui a déjà écrit un super article sur Fishbach et Juniore aux Francomanias de Bulle et avec ce Songs of Sunday composé de femmes géniales qui font de la pop et qui viennent de Norvège. Bon dimanche 🌞
First Songs Of Sunday of this fall to give you a taste of what CrossMusics will be, hopefully, this year : a music blog about our last music discoveries but more about women in the music industry. Indeed, we spent the past few months discovering and listening to some incredible bands made by females or with a female lead but we mainly kept sharing men's music. But in this new period we decided to take a new turn and to focus on what we really love, which is women making music. We'll keep talking about bands only made of men of course, but hopefully it will be a minority of what we share. And we're starting today by welcoming a new editor, the great Alexandra, who already wrote about Fishbach and Juniore at Les Francomanias de Bulle and with this Songs of Sunday, made of amazing women who make pop and are from Norway. Happy Sunday 🌞
First Songs Of Sunday of this fall to give you a taste of what CrossMusics will be, hopefully, this year : a music blog about our last music discoveries but more about women in the music industry. Indeed, we spent the past few months discovering and listening to some incredible bands made by females or with a female lead but we mainly kept sharing men's music. But in this new period we decided to take a new turn and to focus on what we really love, which is women making music. We'll keep talking about bands only made of men of course, but hopefully it will be a minority of what we share. And we're starting today by welcoming a new editor, the great Alexandra, who already wrote about Fishbach and Juniore at Les Francomanias de Bulle and with this Songs of Sunday, made of amazing women who make pop and are from Norway. Happy Sunday 🌞
Astrid S - Just A Boy
Astrid S fait partie de ses jeunes compositrices-interprètes norvégiennes qui sont doucement en train de conquérir le monde avec leur musique addictive et ses chansons d'amour qui mettent en avant les femmes. Dans Such A Boy elle brise à sa façon les stéréotypes sur la place de la femme dans les relations amoureuses, surtout hétérosexuelles. Une chanteuse engagée qui vous fera danser toute la nuit si vous avez la chance d'aller la voir sur sa tournée. Plus d'infos sur sa tournée ici et vous pouvez retrouver le clip de Such A Boy ci-dessous.
Astrid S is a part of those young Norwegian singer-songwriter who are slowly taking over the world with their addictive and engaged pop songs. She's putting forward women in a feminist way, like in Such a Boy where she's breaking in her own way some stereotypes about women in heterosexual relationships. She is also about to go on tour all over Europe, so check it out if she's coming near you (more infos here). You can listen to Such A Boy down below.
Astrid S : facebook - site - Son EP "Party's Over" est dispo ici / Her debut EP "Party's Over" is available here.
Sigrid - Don't Kill My Vibe
La jeune Sigrid du haut de ses 18 ans a déjà créé la chanson qui sera votre nouveau guilty pleasure / obsession avec Don't Kill My Vibe. Composée après avoir reçu plein de remarques sur sa façon de faire les choses dues à son jeune âge, elle a écrit Don't Kill My Vibe comme une réponse à tous ces gens et au final a fait comme un hymne pour toute cette jeunesse créative qui fait et créée ce qu'elle veut comme Sigrid et sa musique. Sigrid a sorti un magnifique EP intitulé "Don't Kill My Vibe - EP" que vous pouvez écouter ici et vous pouvez retrouver la chanson ci-dessous.
The young Sigrid is barely 18 and already made your new guilty pleasure song / new obsession with Don't Kill My Vibe. Written after getting a lot of negative feedback about how she works and makes her music, she made Don't Kill My Vibe as a response to all this people criticizing the way young people create things such as music in this case. A proper anthem to youth coupled with an incredible EP and you have Sigrid's work in a nutshell. You can listen to her song below and also check her EP out here.
The young Sigrid is barely 18 and already made your new guilty pleasure song / new obsession with Don't Kill My Vibe. Written after getting a lot of negative feedback about how she works and makes her music, she made Don't Kill My Vibe as a response to all this people criticizing the way young people create things such as music in this case. A proper anthem to youth coupled with an incredible EP and you have Sigrid's work in a nutshell. You can listen to her song below and also check her EP out here.
Elena x