9 décembre : Phoenix - Alone On Christmas Day
We told you that we would be introducing more rock into your life these days. We resume with a group close from home, the Frenchies of Phoenix.
In 2015, the Parisians participated, for our greatest pleasure, in the movie A Very Murray Christmas. Directed by Sofia Coppola (yay!), starring with among others Miley Cyrus (yay!) And Amy Poehler (yay !!!), this film is a true Christmas classic. And because good news always comes in two, all the profits of this song are directly donated to UNICEF. We listen without counting!
On vous avait dit qu'on allait être plus branché rock ces prochains jours. On reprends avec un groupe de chez nous, les français de Phoenix.
En 2015, les parisiens ont participé, pour notre plus grand plaisir, au film A Very Murray Christmas. Réalisé par Sofia Coppola (yay!), avec entre autres Miley Cyrus (yay!) et Amy Poehler (yay!!!) faisant partie du casting, ce film est un vrai classique de Noël. Et car les bonnes nouvelles viennent toujours par deux, tous les profits de cette chanson sont directement reversés à UNICEF. On écoute sans compter !We told you that we would be introducing more rock into your life these days. We resume with a group close from home, the Frenchies of Phoenix.
In 2015, the Parisians participated, for our greatest pleasure, in the movie A Very Murray Christmas. Directed by Sofia Coppola (yay!), starring with among others Miley Cyrus (yay!) And Amy Poehler (yay !!!), this film is a true Christmas classic. And because good news always comes in two, all the profits of this song are directly donated to UNICEF. We listen without counting!
Alexandra x