A night with Idles, the future of post-punk.
"Dear whoever is reading this,
I discovered your blog a few years ago and found the concept quite intersting. As a music blogger myself I found it hard sometimes to write knowing that my post won't ave any impact. And as someone struggling with mental health but coping with it with music (among others), your blog made a lot of sens to me. However I never really quite understood why Idles. I mean I happen myself to have an emotional attachement to some bands but even If I knew Idles and listened a bit to the music in the past and I never understood until now.
Last week I saw them live in Brussels. I'm not gonna lie I mainly saw them because everyone talked about how good they were at their London's show. But before the show I fully listened to their album, paid attention to the lyrics and started to understood why you like them. And then I went to the gig. It didn't start well because, as in every rock show a mosh pit started and of course only men where it. I say of course because I realised this year that you only see at rock shows : men are in the mosh pits and women are litterally at the side of it looking at them. It's violent and not respectful. It's sad because as a woman and a photographer I'm usually not afraid to to mosh pits even if I have my camera. But we're at Idles' show. The first thing Joe said was 'I don't see much women in the mosh pit Brussels'. And it changed everything. Because now one ever said it. It's important to talk about those issues on social medias but even more important to do it live. And then I realised that Jon (the drummer) had a tshirt saying 'make rock gigs a safe place for women'.
And hit me. Why you love Idles. The way they played on stage and talked to their audience is so special. Idles are SO confortable with themselves on stage that their show is a raw performance that you rarely nowdays. An for the whole gig I thought about you. And the people who write about Idles. I never talked to you and anyone but i felt spiritually connected to you that night. I felt very emotionnal for the whole gig and it didn't happen in a while, trust me. At the end of the gig I saw Jon at the merch stand and thanked him for the gig. His answer was he best. He told me how important it was for him to wear this t-shirt and how important it is to make rock gigs a safe place for women. I think it's the first time I ever heard a musician say that out loud. I will cherish this memory forever.
I think I'm gonna stop here. But I want to whish you the best with your blog and your life. I hope you'll see Idles many more times.
Love always,
Elena x"
This is an email I wrote to the people of https://mybigmentalhead.wordpress.com/ amusic blog who talks about the bands and about mental health. I highy recommend to read it, it's awesome and very important.
photo credit : Elena Majecki.
They're going back on tour in 2019, more infos HERE.
'Joy as an Act of Resistance.' is out now. Listen/Purchase: https://idles.lnk.to/joy
Love always,
Elena x